søndag 15. september 2024

Nordens pietisme

Rosenius - Nordens sjelesørger

Pleasure Will Destroy Society | Brave New World

Oscar Ahnfelt (1813 – 1882) – heile Norden sin åndelege trubadur

Fridomskamp under eineveldet (I den nye boka si om haugianarane går Trygve Riiser Gundersen bak det mytiske biletet av Hans Nielsen Hauge som er etablert i norsk kultur. Han bryt med denne overleveringa og fordjupar seg i kva som skjedde då rørsla oppstod.)

Social Contract Theory as Feathered Serpent

Konventikkelplakaten og Hans Nielsen Hauge sitt forhold til den

Kvinneminne – hustavlefromhet som fromhetsideal i den dansk-norske enhetsstaten på 1600-tallet

Nye perspektiv på Hans Nielsen Hauge

lørdag 14. september 2024

Ut på Tur

Lanserer nytt digitalt norgeskart for sykkel

Mjølkevegen i Valdres - Hovedside


Budget Friendly French Living: Most Affordable Places to Live & Retire in FRANCE

Reviewing 'Paris 1944' by Patrick Bishop - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

torsdag 12. september 2024

7. oktober og Israel

Are Jews Indigenous to Israel? Video! Rørende og informerende om jødenes identitet.

Druze Lives Matter | Real Talk

"the Druze in the Golan Heights were afraid Israel would give the land back to Syria as part of its 'land for peace' idiocy, in the Golan Heights case it will never happen, its way too important strategically.

once land is won and Annexed after a defensive war and recognized as sovereign territory of Israel by the leader of the free world (Trump), "International law" wise, it is no longer Syrian land.

the fact that Trump recognized the Golan Heights helped the 'identity issue' of the Druze there." - ct5965

Ole Asbjørn Ness – I historien om Vesten så har jødene rollen som den evige skurken. Ep. 77.

Why I No Longer Support the Two-State Solution for Israel and Palestine: Gadi Taub

Ole Asbjørn Ness om den norske fortellingen om Israel/Palestina

Noa Argamani shares experience of abuse in Hamas captivity - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com) Slik vi var fanget av Hamas-dama i D, og ingen kom oss til unnsetning der heller!

Former hostage reveals antisemitism and abuse in Hamas captivity - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

"They Hate Jewish People!" - Problem With Islam Invading The West & Israel Palestine War | Gad Saad

Mengele experiments survivor calls to ban Candance Owens from Australia - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Eden Yerushalmi among 6 hostage bodies discovered by IDF in Gaza - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Hamas published video of slain Gaza hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Unpacking Israel’s agricultural miracle - Israel News - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

Starved, without air or water: hostages murdered hours before rescue - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

“What Palestine!” Son of Hamas Digitally DESTROYS Pro-Hamas Activist in Heated Debate

Elias d’Imzalène reported to authorities after Intifada remarks in Paris - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

"Gender Gets You Cancelled, Islam Gets You Killed" - Andrew Gold

This Is One of Israel’s Darkest Weeks in the War | Middle East Report

Israeli Hostages Held in Brutal Conditions


The End of Single-Family Zoning

Walkability and the culture wars (meget bra og nyansert om de suburbane idealer!)

A video about why so much modern art is just so bad, with artist Robert Florczak: "For two millennia, great artists set the standard for beauty. Now those standards are gone. Modern art is a competition between the ugly and the twisted; the most shocking wins. What happened? How did the beautiful come to be reviled and bad taste come to be celebrated? Renowned artist Robert Florczak explains the history and the mystery behind this change and how it can be stopped and even reversed.

Calling for an Architecture That Connects Us to Our Bodies, by Nikos A. Salingaros: “That’s a problem. Not with access to our results, because whoever seeks them can find them on the web, but in using them once they discover them. Christopher Alexander and I provide working tools, design methods, typologies, checklists, etc. that can help a practitioner to produce adaptive buildings. All those tools are available for free or for the price of a book. But today’s architects are not trained to apply these analytical tools; they only know how to copy images. And I refuse to give them images to copy, because that misses the whole point of originality and adaptation. Thinking strictly in terms of images misses the human aspects of the building, ignores the users, their feelings, their long-term health. Architects have to retrain themselves to think analytically. And, for a discipline that was devastated of inherited knowledge and has run for decades using almost no design intelligence, the depth of our results can be overwhelming.” 

Concrete: A Ticking Time Bomb. Can We Fix It? (sinnsvakt bra om betong på lag med tyngdekreftene!)

Unified Architectural Theory: Chapter 11 | ArchDaily (Alexander's 15 properties of life)

onsdag 11. september 2024

FOTO & video II

How to Choose the Sharpest Aperture (Spencer Cox - tabeller for selvskrevne tabeller for linse-skarphet)

www.mpb.com Buy, sell or trade used photo and video kit.

Sean Kitching BESTE OM VIDEO!!!

“On Windows, the Style Packs are located here: C:\Users\[your user's name]\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\Styles50 You can either delete the whole folder there, or right-click on the Style Pack in Capture One and press 'Delete'. If you do not have such an option for Custom Styles and Presets, please reach out to our support team at support.captureone.com, so they can take a closer look at the issue.” - Capture One

How to Vlog, a Beginners Guide (Fantastisk introduksjon til vlogging!)

"Thanks so much for your kind words about my editing, I'm learning a lot and still have a lot to learn! With video editing, it's all about shooting editing and repeating the process. Also there's a book called 'In the blink of an eye' a really interesting take on cutting and editing! I've read it so many times and still get more hits of information from it. I can't remember the author, but he is the editor from Apocalypse Now ... Just googled it, it's a fantastic editor called Walter Murch. Well worth a read!" - Mike Smith

SAAL Digital (hm, kanskje SAAL Digital er best for fotobøker?)

Graduated Neutral Density Filters Explained (photographylife.com) Filterpakker er bare tull, 2 GND og 2 ND + polarisasjons-filter er alt man trenger.

søndag 8. september 2024

Helse & trafikk

Kronisk faryngitt: symptomer, behandling og forebygging

"Laser terapi er en sikker og smertefri behandlingsmetode.

Ofte i behandlingen av denne sykdommen, brukes laserterapi. Det er en trygg og effektiv måte å eliminere inflammatorisk foci på. Under behandlingen ble laser bestrålet larynx mucosa. Strålen påvirker kun de betente delene av slimhinnen. Prosedyren er smertefri og forbedrer pasientens velvære. Det er ingen kontraindikasjoner for å utføre denne typen terapi, bortsett fra forekomsten av onkologiske sykdommer."

Zyctec medisin for astma / faringitt

The Massive Salt Mines Hidden under Poland (youtube.com)

De som bor nær trafikk, har oftere tinnitus

Derfor bør du ikke pusse tennene etter frokost

Stoff i rekeskall hjelper sår til å gro

The Real Reason Americans Aren't Returning To Work

Tørre øyne rammer flere unge (forskning.no)

Havremelk er et sunt og bære­kraftig alternativ til kumelk (forskersonen.no)

Pollution kills more than cigarettes and malnutrition - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

You Talk: What Narcissist Hears (Clinicians: Watch 26:00)

mandag 2. september 2024


 Bring Your Van Design Ideas To Life (vanspace3d.com)

5 BEST VAN LAYOUTS (must watch before van life)

Bobil er bare dritt, tenk å bli uten hjem mens den er på verksted! Ryker bilen kan man allikevel bo i campingvogna. Gjorde et søk på campingvogn, hvor den første som kom opp, var Adria Action 391 LH 2019. Ser bra ut, ikke så stor, men med et lite fortelt i Frankrike, er nok dette det beste kompromisset. Så bor vi her, til vi finner oss et permanent sted!