Redd stjernehimmelen
Why we need ‘sociable distancing’
Vår felles strandsone krymper
Vi har aldri blitt bedt om å godta å leve midt i et industrihelvete i 25 år
Voltaire – vi treng deg no!
Can't Believe THIS is Wisconsin! Door County + 🧀 Wisconsin Cheese Factory Tour (Video)
A Doctor Reflects on the Plandemic
The Cabin Podcast (Welcome to The Cabin, a weekly podcast produced by the crew that brings you the nation’s longest-running tourism TV show, Discover Wisconsin. Join Eric Paulsen, "Audio Dave", and Susan Fochs for a behind-the-scenes trip to the heart of the Midwest.)
The Best and Worst of Wisconsin Dells - A Review
Journey In Steerage from Northern Europe - 1871
3 days on a train traveling from San Francisco to Chicago ~ California Zephyr
Sean Tucker Interview: Photography, Meaning, and Legacy (Eneste poeng tilbake med livet, ser ut til å være å fortelle historier fra fortiden, til framtidige generasjoner😘)
Glenn Greenwald, Tulsi Gabbard med flere til opprør mot YouTube
Color Theory In Photography — Photography Visual Patterns #4